My 2012 In Review

After a long and thoughtful walk through Fullersburg Woods I have had a chance to reflect on all the events of this past year; and what better time to reflect than the present? I’m astounded at how much has happened in one year, and hope I can give an accurate summary of it all. January … Continue reading My 2012 In Review

Family comes to Europe

It was brought to my attention that since my transition from the UK back to the US, I have neglected to post anything! I've been back home in Chicagoland for 2 weeks now, and enjoying being back. But thinking back just a few weeks ago, my parents and my brother both made the long trip … Continue reading Family comes to Europe

Verona: Vinitaly, the wines of Italy

This April I will be attending Vinitaly, an international wine and spirits exhibtion in the beautiful city of Verona, Veneto region of Italy. What could be better? Held in the Verona soccer stadium, the exhibits are divided up by the regions of Italy, with the Veneto and Tuscany boasting the largest exhibits. The wine show … Continue reading Verona: Vinitaly, the wines of Italy

Day 3: 3 Perfect Days in Verona

Day Three: On your last day in Verona you intend to soak up the sun as much as possible. After your now usual morning cappuccino, head towards the quietly beautiful Piazza San Zeno, only a brisk ten minute walk.  Turn the corner around Castelvecchio and take the steps to the sidewalk above street-level. Linger to … Continue reading Day 3: 3 Perfect Days in Verona

Excerpt Day 2: Three Perfect Days in Verona

Day Two: Your second day in Verona dawns rosy on ancient monuments. You are ready to tackle the day after getting your coffee fix at the Cappa Café, a cozy joint with a bohemian feel. With that jumpstart to your day, you head a few blocks north to Verona’s Duomo. The Romanesque exterior, and a … Continue reading Excerpt Day 2: Three Perfect Days in Verona

Excerpt: Day 1 of “3 Perfect Days in Verona”

Verona: A Gem off the Beaten Path Rachel Smith Verona is a pleasant mix of old Roman history and modern Italian culture, located about halfway between Milan and Venice.  It is a relaxing but vibrant alternative to more conventional destinations, and is easy to reach by train or plane. The historic city of Verona in … Continue reading Excerpt: Day 1 of “3 Perfect Days in Verona”